Revision history for Form::Sensible

0.20023 2012-02-05
        * restore removed version from
0.20022 2012-02-05
        * Update MANIFEST to include missing files
0.20021 2012-02-03
        * Fix broken use lib for reflector base test

0.20020 2012-02-02
		* Reflector allows skipping fields by leaving them out of the field definition
		* added "additional_tt_options" option to Form::Sensible::Renderer::HTML->render() to pass options to Template::Toolkit
		* Corrected bug in Number that caused warnings when invalid number input was provided
		* Numerous documentation fixes (Thanks unobe)
		* Added Datetime fields and tests (Thanks unobe)

0.20012 2011-02-01
    * BUGFIX FileSelector problem related to basename usage
    * Addition of 'with_trigger' to options processing in Reflector

0.20011 2011-01-09
    * Minor fixes related to Reflector that slipped us by.

0.20010 2011-01-08
    * More comprehensive Select tests
    * More Numbers tests
    * Add 'add_selection' method, for adding new selected options to a Select's value
    * BUGFIX - Correct 'set_selection' to set selection to provided options ONLY
    * Add 'additional_fields' handling to Reflector base class
    * Enhance FileSelector to be able to cope with a different 'full path' than 
      its 'user supplied filename' Catalyst users rejoice
    * BEHAVIOR CHANGE: Reflector base class no longer adds a submit button by default.
      If you want this behavior, you need to use 'additional_fields' going forward, or 
      add the trigger yourself.
    * DOCFIX - A Select field's value should be a value when accepts_multiple is false, and an array 
      when 'accepts_multiple' is true, even when only a single value was selected;
    * BUGFIX - in Number - Default Number regex was broken.
    * DOCFIX - Add note in Number field type indicating that validation is limited to numbers Perl can process directly.
    * BUGFIX - When setting select value when accepts_multiple is turned on, first set_selection
      call fails due to no array to push into.  FIXED.  Thanks Lee.
    * BUGFIX - Integer check regex was broken.  FIXED.  Thanks Lee.
    * BEHAVIOR CHANGE: Regex and coderef validations now takes place in the field's 
      validate() routine rather than in validator module.  This makes $field->validate() 
      behave more predictably by performing all general field validation.

0.20002 2010-08-06
    * Correct typo in Select that causes generic error messages to appear wrong.
    * Add some things to the FAQ

0.20001 2010-07-25

    * Reduce redundancy in templates by revamping HTML templates to include just field input elements and a wrapper 
    * Set HTML template fallback order so that missing files in the current theme fall-back to default theme
    * Major release mainly related to the addition of delegation to Form::Sensible
    * Add delegation of field values
    * Add delegation of select field options
    * Added ability to set fields as not editable
    * TONS of documentation
    * slight addition to Reflector to add a submit button automatically
    * error message preparation delegation in validation (for localization, etc.)
    * BEHAVIOR CHANGE: HTML Renderer now sets the CSS id of the form element to 'fs_' + formname + '_form' this was 
      previously used on the enclosing div.  Now the CSS id of the enclosing div is now 'fs_' + formname + '_form_div'  
    * BEHAVIOR CHANGE: Field validate() routines are expected to return an array containing errors 
      or undef on 'passing validation' 
    * DEPRECATION NOTICE: Form::Sensible::Form's 'fields' method Deprecated.  
      use 'get_fields' instead
0.11222 2010-05-15

    * Corrected an error in the message templates of HTML renderer that
      prevented status messages from showing up.

0.11221 2010-05-07

    * Corrected an error in select field rendering that would cause 
      selects rendered as checkboxes to not render existing values 

0.11220 2010-04-21

    * Moved 'accepts_multiple' into the base field class along with
      adjustment to ignore multiple values when accept_multiple is false.
    * Corrected a number of bugs in the select field that were introduced
      who knows when.
    * Added basic Select test     

0.11212 2010-03-29

    * Added message_for() call to Validator::Results to easily retrieve 
      all the error messages for the given field

0.11211 2010-03-28

    * Added ability to wrap all fields with a common wrapper (thanks lukes)
    * Change fieldname-based templates in HTML renderer to be 
      suffixed with _field (username_field, etc.)
    * Added ability to pass stash variables to field rendering (also thanks lukes)

0.11210 2010-03-03

    * Added minimum_length to Text field (thanks lukes)
    * Added first per-field-type test in t/fields/ (also thanks lukes)
    * Added ability to clear form state ($form->clear_state()) 
    * Added ability to perform complete validation easily on a single 
      field ( $validator->validate_field($form->field('fieldname')) )

0.11202 2010-02-25

    * fixed leftover warns in

0.11201 2010-02-22

    * fixed bug in Need MOAR Tests

0.11200 2010-02-21

    * Added Overview doc
    * corrected bug in validation which considered values which evaluated to 'false' to be the same as 'empty'
    * adjusted Text field rendering to include render_as => 'password' to render a text field as a password
    * adjusted password rendering to not include the existing value (for security purposes)
    * moved 'required' flag out of main field object and into validation hashref.

0.11103 2010-02-19

    * Added table based templates for HTML rendering.
    * Switched to <label> in most places for specifying a field label

0.11102 2010-02-19

    * fixed File::ShareDir capitalization in Makefile.PL

0.11101 2010-02-19

    * dropped dump_basic.t as it uses deprecated Renderer::Dump
    * FS::Renderer::Dump officially dropped due to redundancy with $form->flatten

0.11100 2010-02-17

    * Added validation tests
    * Corrected warning in coderef processing.
    * Changed coderef function format to make it easier to handle simple validation - field value passed in first.
    * Every class now has docs.  Validation docs more significant.