Revision history for Finance-InteractiveBrokers-API
BUG: An actual found or reported bug fix.
FIX: Change toward correct behavior, but unreported.
NEW: New, previously non-existent feature.
CHG: Change in behavior.
API: Change in user-facing API (hopefully rare).
DOC: Changes to documentation.
0.04 2013-08-31
NEW: RT#88097: Add setSelectTimeout() method
0.03 2012-08-04
Bumping to production release
0.02_03 2012-04-29
NEW: Added undocumented reqGlobalCancel to IB API v9.66
0.02_02 2012-04-28
NEW: Added support for IB API v9.65 and v9.66
FIX: Corrected support for IB API v9.67
0.02_01 2012-04-27
NEW: Added support for IB API v9.67
NEW: More comprehensive testing
0.02 2011-01-25
First production CPAN release
Covers InteractiveBrokers API v9.64
DOC: Minor documentation tweaks
FIX: Versioning scheme will change from here on.
0.01_02 2011-01-25 (developer release)
DOC: Fixing documentation bugs seen on CPAN from 0.01_01
0.01_01 2011-01-24 (developer release)
Main module should be complete
Covers InteractiveBrokers API v9.64
Prepped for releasing to CPAN for cpantesters feedback