Revision history for File-KDBX.
0.906 2022-08-16 19:44:09-0600
* Fixed bug where dumping a fresh database could write wrong-sized encryption IV, making the resulting
serialization unreadable by some KeePass implementations. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
* Fixed bugs preventing the use of memory protection with fresh databases. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
* Fixed the transform_rounds method to work with Argon KDF; this now maps to the Argon iterations value if
the current KDF is Argon. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
0.905 2022-08-06 12:12:42-0600
* Declared Time::Local 1.19 as a required dependency.
* Declared CryptX 0.055 as a required dependency. Thanks HIGHTOWE.
* Fixed minor documentation errors.
0.904 2022-07-07 21:51:17-0600
* Use expanded title, username in OTP parameters.
0.903 2022-05-11 17:17:13-0600
* Fixed parsing KDBX4 datetimes on 32-bit perls.
* Fixed broken tests on perls < 5.14.
0.902 2022-05-03 19:18:06-0600
* Added support for 32-bit perls.
* API change: Rename iterator accessors on group to all_*.
* Declared perl 5.10.0 prerequisite. I have no intention of supporting 5.8 or earlier.
* Fixed more other broken tests. Thanks CPAN testers.
0.901 2022-05-02 01:18:13-0600
* Fixed a bug where peeking at memory-protected strings and binaries does not work without unlocking the
database at least once.
* Added an option for writing files non-atomically.
* Fixed broken tests on Windows.
0.900 2022-05-01 12:55:59-0600
* Removed the min_version methods from dumper and loader because it was unused and unnecessary.
* Now use the database maintenance_history_days value as the default "max_age" value in prune_history
* Fixed distribution prereq issues.
* Cleaned up a lot of pod typos and other inaccuracies.
0.800 2022-04-30 21:14:30-0600
* Initial release