2004-12-23 Dylan Hardison <dhardison@cpan.org>
* t: Added versions tests, Devel::Cover reports are looking nicer.
* SIGNATURE: I'm using Module::Signature now.
* lib/File/Find/Match.pm: We're passing the filename as the first argument to
predicates and actions now, rather than setting $_. This is cleaner, and apparently
faster. But speed isn't as important as the cleanness.
2004-12-22 Dylan Hardison <dhardison@cpan.org>
* lib/File/Find/Match.pm: _API_CHANGE_ We're going back to as it was in days of old,
with file => instead of file { ... }. It really is a better design. In additon:
default is magical -- it is always executed last. A string predicate not matching
/^file|dir|default$/ will be evaluated as perl code. So you can write predicates like
this: -r = sub { print "Readable by effective UID!\n" }.
* lib/File/Find/Match/Sugar.pm: This file is deprecated. use'ing it will result in a
fatal error, explaining the incompatibilty between 0.06 .. 0.07 and 0.08.
I appologize for the API change, but this is still not 1.0. :)
* lib/File/Find/Match/Util.pm: Some utility functions for writing clean rulesets.
Includes only filename().
2004-11-13 Dylan Hardison <dhardison@cpan.org>
* lib/File/Find/Match.pm: Fixed up documentation, changed the meaning of
string predicates. Removed PASS constant and made it the default behavior.
Released version to CPAN. Decided to remove syntax-sugar functions and put
them in File::Find::Match::Sugar.
* lib/File/Find/Match/Sugar.pm: Created this file to hold file(), dir(),
and default(), plus associated documentation.
2004-11-01 Dylan Hardison <dhardison@cpan.org>
* lib/File/Find/Match.pm: Added documentation, made object-oriented,
removed functional interface.
2004-10-28 Dylan Hardison <dhardison@cpan.org>
* ChangeLog: added change log. :)
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