Revision history for Feature-Compat-Class
0.07 2024-07-08
* Updated for Perl v5.40 to support the `:reader` field attribute and
`__CLASS__` keyword
* Use `Object::Pad` v0.806 on older perls, in order to support field
initialiser expressions that can see earlier fields
0.06 2023-07-03
* Updated documentation for Perl v5.38 release which now includes
feature 'class'
* Avoid Test::Fatal so the tests are core-only on Perl v5.38
0.05 2023-01-12
* Don't enable the implied pragmata (strict, warnings, etc..) when
using Object::Pad, because core version won't do that
0.04 2022-12-14
* Support field initialiser expressions, the `:param` field
attribute, and the `=`, `//=` and `||=` defaulting assignment modes
* Don't unit-test anything to do with ADJUST receiving a hashref of
parameters as soon it won't any more
0.03 2022-10-29
* Forbid `ADJUST :params` from Object::Pad v0.70
0.02 2022-10-25
* Support the `:isa` class attribute, now that perl's `feature-class`
branch does
0.01 2022-08-27
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.