Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-TAPPER

0.006     2017-02-08
        - add Test::Compile with option 'test_compile_skip'

0.005     2015-12-09
        - do not require release branch anymore

0.004     2015-09-08
        - dependencies cleanup
        - add [Test::Compile]

0.003     2015-09-08
        - replace [PodCoverageTests] with [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable],
          now allowing an additional regex which modules to skip:
            skip_pod_modules = qr/^My::Known::Undocumented::Plugins::/

0.002     2015-04-02
        - dzil pluginbundle TAPPER
        - switch [NoTabsTests] to [Test::NoTabs]
          and    [EOLTests]    to [Test::EOL]
          as the previous plugins are now deprecated.

0.001     2012-11-19
        - Dist::Zilla pluginbundle for all Tapper libs