Revision history for Dist-Data

0.007     2024-06-19 23:40:43+02:00 Europe/Berlin
	Replacing Module::Extract::Namespaces with Module::Metadata (haarg)
	Bugfix for Win32 tests (Mithaldu)

0.006     2015-05-13 18:02:17+02:00 Europe/Berlin

0.005     2013-11-09 04:55:40 Europe/Berlin

0.004     2013-04-23 05:14:59 Europe/Berlin

0.003     2012-03-03 20:53:03 Europe/Berlin
	Added dirs

0.002     2012-01-15 06:48:29 Europe/Berlin
	Introduced namespaces and documentations
	Added usage of Dist::Metadata for packages
	Renamed distmeta to cpan_meta (and added cm shortcut)

0.001     2012-01-15 02:42:09 Europe/Berlin