0.4.0 2016-01-04
* fix _Inline files being left around
* add colorname to info
* use colorname in stick script
* clear first and devices variables before a refresh
0.3.0 2015-12-30
* pod error fixes and added pod.t from MANWAR
* pod in stick script updated to reflect command line parameters
0.2.0 2015-12-23
* major overhaul to handle multiple sticks, also faster now, also handles pro sticks
* fix some pod errors
* use WebColors
* stick script has had lots of changes
* mode 3 is emulated and has a slight speed impact as we need to slow down writes to USB to prevent errors, only 16 LEDs are emulated
0.1.0 2014-06-27
* first release, things work,
* in bin/stick connect, morph, pulse, blink not yet implemented