Revision history for Perl extension Date::WeekOfYear.
1.07 2020-01-04
- Resolved issue with tests failing. Now pass the full 4 digit year to timelocal() to avoid ambigous date values.
- No changes to the actual code
1.06 2014-04-09
- Allow extended date coverage - past dates handled by localtime - using hash ref argument year, month, day
- Added mode for ISO 8601 output YYYY-Wxx
1.05 2014-03-16
- Updated to conform to ISO 8601
- Added compatability flag to allow backwards usage
1.04 2009-06-21
1.03 2008-12-06
- Real tests with Test::More
- Tests moved to t-
- Better Makefile.PL
- Now WeekOfYear can take an argument (unixtime)
1.02 2006-06-11
- Correction to name of function
1.01 2004-08-09
- Initial release to CPAN
0.01 Mon Aug 9 19:28:57 2004
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options -AX -n Date::WeekOfYear