The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Distributions Which Depend on Data-Rmap
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Config-ROFL-1.12 Yet another config module 23 Jun 2024 15:45:28 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Qhull-0.06 Interface to the Qhull convex hull, Delauny triangulation, Voronoi diagram software suite 29 Mar 2024 21:57:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bio-Gonzales-0.083 Speedy functions to manipulate biological data 02 Jan 2021 23:10:48 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Bencher-Scenarios-DataCleansing-0.005 Benchmark Data::Clean::* against other related modules for data cleansing 19 Oct 2019 11:49:11 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Finance-Bank-ID-BCA-0.500 Check your BCA accounts from Perl 10 May 2019 04:28:37 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Clustericious-1.29 (Deprecated) A framework for RESTful processing systems. 11 Mar 2018 18:27:35 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent QBit-Application-Model-DBManager-Users-0.007 Model for work with users in QBit application. 26 Jan 2017 06:24:16 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent HTML-Element-Library-5.220000 HTML::Element convenience functions 25 Jun 2016 21:38:02 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Acme-Dump-And-Dumper-1.001005 dump data structures without seeing any object guts 22 Mar 2015 03:05:49 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Poet-0.16 The Mason web framework 08 Jan 2015 06:48:58 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Class-AutoDB-1.291 Almost automatic object persistence coexisting with human-engineered database 18 Dec 2013 22:53:03 UTC
11 results (0.01 seconds)