The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Distributions Which Depend on Data-Compare
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Authorization-AccessControl-0.04 Hybrid RBAC/ABAC access control 19 Jun 2024 12:32:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-Codit-0.06 IDE for and in Perl 18 Jun 2024 07:12:28 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Tk-AppWindow-0.10 An application framework based on Tk 17 Jun 2024 16:34:09 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Google-Ads-GoogleAds-Client-23.0.0 Google Ads API Client Library for Perl 07 Jun 2024 13:56:23 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PomBase-Chobo-0.040 Fast OBO to Chado loading using PostgreSQL COPY 06 Jun 2024 04:17:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-Validate-Sanctions-0.17 Validate a name against sanctions lists 27 May 2024 12:47:17 UTC
River stage zero No dependents StorageDisplay-2.06 Collect and display storages on linux machines 23 May 2024 12:59:07 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-Transfigure-1.03 performs rule-based data transfigurations of arbitrary structures 02 May 2024 18:33:00 UTC
River stage one • 5 direct dependents • 5 total dependents Data-Dumper-Interp-7.007 interpolate Data::Dumper output into strings for human consumption 26 Apr 2024 23:36:58 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent AnyEvent-I3X-Workspace-OnDemand-0.003 An I3 workspace loader 25 Apr 2024 17:58:32 UTC
River stage two • 18 direct dependents • 45 total dependents Test-Files-0.26 A Test::Builder based Perl module to ease testing with files and dirs. 08 Mar 2024 15:53:17 UTC
River stage two • 9 direct dependents • 11 total dependents Paws-0.46 A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs 20 Jan 2024 12:10:03 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Unix-Sudo-65535 require that we are running on a particular OS 17 Jan 2024 22:19:23 UTC
River stage two • 78 direct dependents • 84 total dependents Catmandu-1.2021 a data toolkit 06 Nov 2023 09:43:15 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-Asciio-1.9.02 App::Asciio - ASCII diagramming 04 Nov 2023 15:39:24 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Lingua-Jspell-1.98 Perl interface to the Jspell morphological analyser. 08 Apr 2023 13:34:11 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Git-Annex-0.008 Perl interface to git-annex repositories 24 Dec 2022 06:01:33 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Task-Biodiverse-NoGUI-3.2 Task for Biodiverse dependencies for non-GUI use [DEPRECATED] 25 Nov 2022 04:47:50 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Class-Mockable-1.3002 09 Aug 2022 17:08:24 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Bencher-Scenario-Data-Cmp-0.002 Benchmark Data::Cmp against similar solutions 17 Apr 2022 00:06:02 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Config-Model-Itself-2.023 Model (or schema) editor for Config::Model 07 Jan 2022 17:06:45 UTC
River stage three • 9 direct dependents • 484 total dependents CPAN-Checksums-2.14 Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN 04 Dec 2021 10:00:42 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Devel-Examine-Subs-1.74 Get info about, search/replace and inject code into Perl files and subs. 11 Oct 2021 20:10:45 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Test-Mock-LWP-Distilled-1.000 make and use LWP mocks, distilled to their essence 13 Sep 2021 13:44:59 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Resque-0.42 Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later. 19 May 2021 07:58:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DataTables-0.08 a server-side solution for the jQuery DataTables plugin 26 Apr 2021 19:25:23 UTC
River stage zero No dependents OPTIMADE-Filter-0.10.2 OPTIMADE filter language parser/composer 23 Jan 2021 07:52:34 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 3 total dependents rdf-ldf-0.251 Linked Data Fragments client 30 Nov 2020 09:27:26 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-Compare-Plugins-Set-Object-1.002 plugin for Data::Compare to handle Set::Object objects 17 Oct 2020 21:48:40 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent DBIx-Class-Sims-0.500012 The addition of simulating data to DBIx::Class 10 Sep 2020 20:56:23 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Kafka-1.08 Apache Kafka low-level synchronous API, which does not use Zookeeper. 14 Jul 2020 01:34:19 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-TableAutoSum-0.11 Table that calculates the results of rows and cols automatic 06 May 2020 08:19:39 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Tie-CSV_File-0.25 ties a csv file to an array of arrays 04 May 2020 05:40:28 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents MySQL-Util-0.41 Utility functions for working with MySQL. 17 Jan 2020 21:58:37 UTC
River stage two • 27 direct dependents • 31 total dependents Test-Map-Tube-0.57 Interface to test Map::Tube features. 09 Sep 2019 15:07:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-DBCritic-0.023 Critique a database schema for best practices 03 Sep 2019 21:47:13 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Weasel-Driver-Mock-0.02 Weasel driver to mock a real driver for testing purposes (Weasel::DriverRole level 0.03) 19 Aug 2019 17:43:21 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Bencher-Scenario-DataCmp-0.001 Benchmark Data::Cmp against similar solutions 06 Dec 2018 08:19:20 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent WWW-Shopify-Liquid-0.08 Fully featured liquid preprocessor with shopify tags & filters added in. 05 Oct 2018 20:12:48 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Bencher-Scenarios-DataComparisonModules-0.004 A collection of bencher scenarios to benchmark data structure comparison modules 16 Aug 2018 01:11:33 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent UR-0.47 rich declarative transactional objects 06 Aug 2018 14:29:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-Mockify-2.4 minimal mocking framework for perl 12 Apr 2018 14:55:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-Compare-Plugins-JSON-1.04 Plugin for Data::Compare to handle JSON, JSON::PP and JSON::XS boolean constants. 18 May 2017 20:09:51 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Task-BeLike-BINGOS-1.06 Be the most BINGOS you can be 29 Mar 2017 18:15:45 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 6 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AssertOS-0.08 Require that our distribution is running on a particular OS 28 Mar 2017 15:32:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bb-Collaborate-Ultra-0.01.02 Perl bindings for Blackboard Ultra virtual classrooms 27 Feb 2017 00:08:39 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Module-Install-AssertOS-0.12 A Module::Install extension to require that we are running on a particular OS 17 Feb 2017 13:18:30 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-Transactional-1.04 A hash with checkpoints and rollbacks 27 Sep 2016 23:02:04 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Decision-Depends-0.21 Perform actions based upon file dependencies 17 Feb 2016 14:53:09 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent MQUL-2.001000 General purpose, MongoDB-style query and update language 17 Jun 2015 08:18:40 UTC
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