2003-09-04 U-THRENODY\Keith <tbone@cpan.org>
* Added sub load() which detects DBDs (via the DBI API) and
populates the detected databases after valid DBI connection
information is given.
2003-09-04 Terrence Brannon <tbone@cpan.org>
* Added support for DBD::SQLite... it was quite a simple
transition from the MySQL code (in Default.pm), the floating
numbers had to have a "." in front of them to be accepted.
2003-09-04 Terrenc Brannon <tbone@cpan.org>
* Made DBIx::AnyDBD a requirement
Revision history for Perl extension DBSchema::Sample.
0.01 Mon Aug 25 10:12:04 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-A -X -n DBSchema::Sample