Revision history for Perl extension DBD::TSM

** VERSION 0.01 - Sat Feb 26 20:51:46 2005

Original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -A -X -n DBD::TSM

** VERSION 0.02 - Sun Mar  6 21:54:06 CET 2005

* BUG1:
This message about DBD-TSM was sent to you by corion@corion.net <corion@corion.net> via rt.cpan.org

Full context and any attached attachments can be found at:
<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=11767 >


the Makefile.PL distributed with DBD::TSM 0.01 enters an infinite loop 
when no terminal is connected to give input, thus eating CPU ressources 
when the module is installed unattended. The Makefile.PL should instead 
bail out when it finds no terminal connected and can't find a 
proper/fitting directory itself.

Thank you,

Right, I do not think about silent use of my Makefile.PL. I do a correction to improve this point.
List of file changed:
- Makefile.PL
- Changes
- DBD/TSM.pm (just change the version)

** VERSION 0.03 - Thu Mar 10 21:16:37 CET 2005

* BUG:
forget configure.pl

** VERSION 0.04 - Thu Jun 23 22:20:17 CEST 2005

* BUG:
Test failed with environment not set

** VERSION 0.10 - Thu Jan 24 23:35:26 NFT 2008

* BUG:
Test failed for tables with join

** VERSION 0.11 - Wed Mar 19 12:18:52 NFT 2008

Add support to darwin platform during make. Optimize memory requirement
for select statement. Not perfect, try an other method later.

** VERSION 0.13 - Sun Apr 20 18:20:16 CEST 2008

Resolve issue with CPAN upload

** VERSION 0.14 - Wed Aug 20 00:37:25 CEST 2008

Update test to work with Perl 5.10 CPAN Test