#   File name: Changes
#   Project: DBD::Illustra
#   Description: Change history
#   Author: Peter Haworth
#   Date created: 09/09/1998
#   sccs version: 1.11    last changed: 10/13/99
#   Copyright (c) 1998 Institute of Physics Publishing
#   You may distribute under the terms of the Artistic License,
#   as distributed with Perl, with the exception that it cannot be placed
#   on a CD-ROM or similar media for commercial distribution without the
#   prior approval of the author.

1999/10/13: 0.04 released
  First shot at $dbh->type_info_all()
  Replace $sth->blob_read with $dbh->func(...,'read_large_object')
  Enable tests for bind parameters
  Fix bug in bind parameters, allowing more than one placeholder

1999/10/12: 0.03_005
  Support for bind parameters, but no docs or tests yet
  Update dbd-illustra.pod to latest version, but it's not going in the book now

1999/05/25: 0.03_004
  Allow user to mark columns as holding large objects with
    bind_col(...,{TYPE => SQL_LONGVARBINARY})
  Implement $sth->blob_read, but only after $sth->finish, and only for the
    last row fetched. That's all Illustra allows by the look of it
  Rename illustra.bookentry to dbd-illustra.pod so it gets installed, and
    update to Tim's latest version

1999/04/09: 0.03_003
  Fix bizarre behaviour introduced in 0.03_002 with number of rows returned
  Add illustra.bookentry to the distribution.
    This is from the forthcoming DBI book by Tim Bunce

1999/03/31: 0.03_002
  Return correct number of rows for DDL and non-select DML

1998/11/23: 0.03_001
  Added $sth->{ill_TypeName} attribute
  Beginnings of support for reading longs (except Illustra says they're normal)

1998/09/30: 0.03 released (without these changes listed, oops)
  Set $h->err to MI_ERROR when errors occur
    (it is checked by at least the test suite, so it can't be left as zero)
  Log callbacks to DBILOGFP if DBI_TRACE>=3
  Don't try to describe queries with no fields, such as inserts and deletes
  Fixed table_info so it actually does something useful
  Fix up tests so they actually all pass (by ignoring some of them until later)
  ChopBlanks somewhat supported (FETCH returns undef)

1998/09/29: 0.02_001
  Added table_info support (not that dbish seems to notice)
  Have a go at implementing $h->errstr and $h->state ($h->err is useless)
    - callbacks no longer warn
  Add mostly empty dbd_bind_ph and completely empty dbd_st_blob_read
  Pathetic attempt at supporting {TYPE} info. Illustra doesn't help
  Replace useless test.pl with Jochen Wiedmann's DBD-test

1998/09/22: 0.02 released
  Added $dbh->ping support
  Added more support for metadata @sth->{NULLABLE,PRECISION,SCALE}
  AutoCommit and commit/rollback supported
  Added minimal install info to README

1998/09/18: 0.01_002
  Fixed subsequent select problem (unset ACTIVE on sth when no more rows)
  Added data_sources method (very cheap and cheerful method)
  Added a bit of documentation

1998/09/09: 0.01_001
  Added NAME meta data
  Only first select returns rows if no $sth->finish

1998/08/12: 0.01 released