Revision history for Perl extension D64::Disk::Layout::Dir.

0.06  2021-01-18
    - improvement: an empty sector link value is now initialised for all empty
      sectors when fetching directory data via "data" and "sectors" methods

0.05  2021-01-16
    - bug fixed: incorrect sector link value for an empty directory retrieved
      via "sectors" method has been corrected in the same way as fixing "data"
      method in a release version 0.04

0.04  2021-01-16
    - bug fixed: incorrect sector link value for an empty directory has been
      corrected (when the directory is done and the track value is $00, the
      sector link should contain a value of $FF, meaning the whole sector is
      allocated, even though the actual value doesn't matter)

0.03  2018-11-24
    - bug fixed: "Can't locate t/ in @INC" thrown while running "make
      test" (reason: a recent security patch to Perl removed current working
      directory from "@INC", the default search path for 'require')

0.02  2013-03-24
    - bug fixed: invalid version number of dependency on D64::Disk::Dir::Item
      has been corrected

0.01  2013-03-02
    - initial version (provides miscellaneous procedures to access and modify
      entire directories of D64/D71/D81 disk images)