2004-09-19  Dylan Hardison <dylanwh@tampabay.rr.com>

	* mylib/Module/Build/Yapp.pm: call yapp with the -s option now, thus
	Parse::Yapp::Driver is no longer required.
	* Build.PL: list Test::More as a dependency now,
	and increment the version number.	
	* lib/Config/Irssi/Lexer.pm: Radically changed the design of the lexer.
	Now it's a closure returned from the exported function mklexer()
	in the new module, Config::Irssi::Lexer. Errors can now have line numbers
	on them.
	* lib/Config/Irssi/Parser.yp: Using the new lexer.
	* TODO: Added TODO file. :)
	* ChangeLog: Added this file, too.
	* t/lex.t: Added rudimentry tests for the lexer.