Revision history for Perl extension CAPTCHA-reCAPTCHA-V3

0.06 2024-11-30T08:06:26Z
    - adapted to OpenSSL@3.4 

0.05 2022-01-21T06:02:06Z
    - removed an extra warning

0.04 2022-01-07T14:34:31Z
    - updated around creating javascript tags
    - now no need to set sitekey when constructing

0.03 2021-12-31T14:21:59Z
    - fixed a bug aroud score 

0.02 2021-12-31T11:58:06Z
    - started to use LWP::UserAgent instead of HTTP::Tiny
       Because it is not included in old Perl versions 
    - added to require LWP::Protocol::https
       Because reCAPTCHA API requires access by https
    - made it enable to evaluate the scores
    - added lean javascript sample that is automade

0.01 2020-02-28T04:19:27Z

    - original version