Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Thin.
0.52 Sat Sept 15 2001
- New version for CPAN, but no changes from 0.5102
0.5102 Wed Jul 18 2001
- Brought CGI::Thin and CGI::Thin::Cookies back into the same tarball for
easier distribution
- Moved both files into the t directory as tests 01 and 02
- Moved both *.pm files into the lib directory
0.51 April 2001
- Create and spin off CGI::Thin::Cookies to parse and set cookies.
Thus this module can remain focused on form parsing only
- Fixed some nits picked by Barrie Slaymaker <>
- switched from s/\+/ /g to tr/+/ / which should be a tad faster
- You might want to use %([0-9a-fA-F]{2} to avoide grabbing illegal
escapes and passing non-hex data to hex().
- switched from a pack("c",hex($1)) to a chr(hex($1))
- ';' is a synonym for '&' in query strings, no longer overlooked.
- What if there are parameters in both the query string and in
multipart/form-data? Could CGI::Thin be tweaked to process both?
Now it always looks at $ENV{QUERY_STRING} and then does multi-part or POST
- If somebody sticks a %3D in a name, a very remote possibility, there
could be problems. Moving the index($i,"=") up and de-escaping the
key and name seperately might do the trick.
Now decode hex characters after the split so they work.
- CGI::Thin doesn't seem to know about keyword style query strings like "/foo?a&b&c".
Changed to using a split ("=", $item, 2). So key can be set without a value.
- Added a and other CPAN friendly extras
0.41 Sun Feb 11 00:20:00 2001
- first released version (CPAN)
0.40 Tue Jul 18 11:54:08 2000
- first released version (
0.31 4/22/99
- now can handle multipart forms and read in files
- also changed multiple entries in one name, now returns an array of values
0.30 12/18/98
- changed to Parse_CGI and now returns the hash not the size of the hash
and has no input pointer to the hash
0.20 7/5/95
- Craig R. Meyer Optimized ReadParse()
- Use read() not getc(), don't use subscripts
0.10 1993
- Steven E. Brenner wrote, original available from...