0.9660: Wed Jun 17 2015
   - maybe make t/05_test_cgi-fast.t stop failing

0.9659: Tue Apr 28 2015
   - still a bunch of cpan tester problems, particularly with the (somewhat
     pointless) CGI::Fast test

0.9658: Mon Apr 27 2015
   - https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=103981
   - additionally, the new CPAN version cannot be (easily) hacked upon to
     produce non HTML tags. So I made a pseudo-CGI.pm argument parser.
     I'm assuming it's not nearly as good, but I don't think there's any
     users of this module either.

0.9657: Mon Feb 25 2013
   - added a charset (utf8) to the cgi response

0.9655: Thu Nov 24 2011
   - more import/export issues — this time while using CGI::Fast

0.9654: Fri Nov 18 2011
   - I cleaned up the compile-time/import-time code into one cute
     little block of pure evil.  This has a side effect of fixing
     a problem (bug?) where not calling import breaks the whole

0.9653: Thu Nov 17 2011
   - really minor fix so one can call (eg) CGI::RSS::start_rss()
     as a non-method.  Requested by Austin Seraphin

0.9652: Fri Oct 28 2011
   - %Z only works in the states, doesn't validate anywhere else

0.9651: Wed Oct 26 2011
   - minor change re: date formats, they're not configurable
   - fixed silly loading of CGI tags, import() vs header()

0.9600: Sat Apr 25 14:08:43 EDT 2009
   - added a begin block to set the timezone to UTC when Date::Manip can't
     otherwise figure it out.

0.9501: Mon Apr  6 17:17:51 EDT 2009
   - doc bugs

0.95: Mon Apr  6 11:06:15 EDT 2009
   - split the pod to a separate file
   - my rss does not validate...
   - added Date::Manip RFC822 date reformatting
   - taught CGI::RSS to preserve case on tags (involved
     deparse... blech)
   - fixed a bug in finish_rss
   - apparently, to validate, an RSS channel needs a

0.92: Thu Mar 26 12:00:54 EDT 2009
   - messed up the META.yml

0.91: Thu Mar 26 08:52:39 EDT 2009
   - ditching the lgpl2 gz file for the new meta
   - added chrony's meta.yml stuff

0.9: Thu Aug  7 15:53:52 EDT 2008
   - ditched version.pm

0.7.3: Tue May 27 12:03:32 EDT 2008
   - (wow, use version has to be on the same line as our $VERSION
      for older EUMM)

0.7.2: Mon May 26 15:44:02 EDT 2008
   - I might as well do a new version of everything using
     version.pm while I wait for all my CPAN deletes to go
     through.  I just discovered that version.pm doesn't/didn't
     go core until perl 5.9...  I really wish I'd have prereqed
     it everywhere I used it, but I didn't.  *sigh*

0.7.1: Sat May 24 09:31:16 EDT 2008
   - using version.pm as suggested by Andreas Koenig