Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Form2XML.
1.6 Fri 30 Sep 14:40:57 BST 2016
- Add CGI to PREREQ_PM as it was removed from 5.22
1.5 Fri 30 Sep 12:18:33 BST 2016
- Fix
- Modernise some perl idioms ('our', 'use base')
- Modernise the Makefile.PL
1.4 Mon Oct 16 14:13:35 BST 2006
- Moved to subversion.
- Moved stuff around
- added POD tests
- added example
1.3 Sun Jul 28 11:10:35 BST 2002
- Fixed teeny POD bug discovered by new CPAN search.
1.2 Sat May 25 10:06:53 BST 2002
- Version released to CPAN
0.01 Tue Apr 30 07:49:57 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-AXn CGI::Form2XML -b5.5.0