0.142230 2014-08-11 10:05:24-05:00 America/Chicago
* Initial release.
* OFun::CodeName service adds the ability to give terms fun and exciting
code names.
* OFun::Dice provides a DND style dice role tool, coin flipping, a
utility to choose N items from a list of items, and shuffle command..
* OFun::Hailo provides your bot with the ability to spew back inane chatter.
* OFun::Insult allows you to insult people, places, and things (or praise
them if you prefer).
* OFun::Karma tracks up-votes and down-votes in the channel so you can see
how hated your most-hated-RDBMS is and how loved the funny people in your
chat are.
* Oh, and there are no tests. I'm evil. I know.