Revision history for Bio::Translator
0.6.1 Nov 10 2011
- Fixed
0.6.0 Jun 23 2011
- Changed interface (again)
0.5.7 May 10 2011
- Changed namespace
- Migrated to git
0.5.6 May 7 2009
- Fixed bug in Translator where sequence was being cleaned after default
upper bound was being set and bounds were tested to be within the sequence.
Cleaning can cause the sequence to be truncated, which then invalidates
these tests/settings.
0.5.5 Apr 23 2009
- Fixed bug in Base where Xs weren't being put in when base isn't found
0.5.4 Apr 15 2009
- Put use version on same line as $VERSION declared
- Added META.yml so make dist would work
0.5.3 Apr 13 2009
- Fixed inconsistencies in the way the start codon is being stored in the
reverse translation table
- Added test for above condition
0.5.2 Apr 13 2009
- Even more documentation in Utils
- codons/regex/find method in Utils can take "stop" for stop codons
0.5.1 Apr 13 2009
- Better documentation in Utils
- Fixed bugs in Bio::Translator::Utils::regex and find
- Fixed load test and added new tests
0.5.0 Apr 2 2009
- Split out the table into its own package
- Split out helper translator functions into their own package
0.4.3 Apr 1 2009
- Enforced that functions are called using func(@mandatory, %optional)
0.4.2 Apr 1 2009
- Added find method into utils
0.4.1 Mar 31 2009
- Minor fixes in documentation
- Use "my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_)" in constructors
0.4.0 Mar 18 2009
- Major refactor