Revision history for Perl extension Avro

        - Switch from JSON::XS to JSON::MaybeXS to support
          multiple JSON backends
        - Drop dependency on IO::String, since we don't need
          it now we depend on Perl 5.10.1 or greater
        - Support object containers without an explicit
          codec. It will be assumed to be 'null' as mandated
          by the spec.
        - Fixed an issue that meant the minimum accepted values
          for int and long types were off by one
        - Silenced a spurious warning that was raised when
          validating an undefined value for some data types
        - Make sure Unicode strings are downgraded when they
          are encoded in fields of type 'byte' or 'fixed'.
          Errors resulting from this process will be raised as
          Avro::BinaryEncoder::Error exceptions
        - Fixed a bug with the detection of valid boolean values
          which was not using anchors in a regular expression.
          Valid values are (case insensitively) 'yes', 'y', 'no',
          'n', 'true', 't', 'false', 'f', 0, 1, and anything that
          is accepted by JSON::PP::is_bool. References rejected by
          this last function are not valid
        - Fixed some issues around the binary encoding of boolean
          values. In particular, Avro::BinaryEncoder now correctly
          encodes all the values that Avro::Schema accepts as
          valid boolean values, which before were blindly evaluated
          in boolean context resulting in strings like 'false'
          being serialised as if they were true

1.00  Fri Jan 17 15:00:00 2014
        - Relicense under apache license 2.0

0.01  Thu May 27 20:56:19 2010
        - original version