Revision history for Authen-Simple-IMAP
0.0.1 2009-02-17
Initial release.
0.0.2 2009-02-18
* added Authen::Simple to required in Build.PL
* documented "imap" param to new
* a few other doc tweaks
0.0.3 2009-02-18
* fixed perlcritic.t to really skip if Test::Perl::Critic isn't found
* fixed doc re suggestions on PerlMonks
0.1.0 2009-03-23
* Oy! Now it connects to IMAP server every time we authenticate... Duh..
* removed perlcritic.t - 'twas a pain
0.1.1 2009-03-30
* require at least perl 5.8.6
0.1.2 2009-05-07
* fixed bug where it didn't disconnect after a failed auth