Revision history for Perl extension Audio::MPC
* 0.04 Sat Oct 21 08:58:56 BST 2006
- updated to use libmpcdec which replaces libmusepack
(libmusepack is no longer supported)
- fixed again the SYNOPSIS section of the perldocs:
the little script given in there now works
(both by Silvain Cresto <scresto AT gmail DOT com>)
* 0.03 Fri Sep 30 08:02:00 CEST 2005
- there was a segfault when a file passed by filename
could not be opened: fixed
- errstr() method now includes $! when appropriate
- fixed the SYNOPSIS section of the perldocs:
the little script given in there now works
* 0.02 Mon May 16 13:13:58 CEST 2005
- check.c had the wrong #include that would prevent
installation on most systems
* 0.01 Wed May 4 08:30:27 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-b 5.6.0 -n Audio::MPC