# Revision history for Perl extension Attribute::Util.
# $Id: Changes,v 1.7 2013/02/24 09:14:26 dankogai Exp dankogai $
$Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2013/02/24 09:14:26 $
! *.pm
  Fixed mail address
! lib/Attribute/Method.pm
  Fixed: #74232: Bleadperl v5.15.6-147-g415d4c6 breaks

1.06 2010/05/04 06:55:09
! t/05method.t
  Addressed: #52643: GitLive-blead-2143-g09330df breaks 1.05

1.05 2009/05/27 11:36:04
! lib/Attribute/Method.pm
  Addressed: #46403: Attribute::Method
  - not preserving line number information and sub names

1.04 2009/03/24 13:28:55
! lib/Attribute/Method.pm
  POD fixes
  Message-Id:	<20090324131233.GQ21585@home.power>
  CAVEAT on require vs use

1.03 2008/05/19 06:02:40
! lib/Attribute/Util.pm
+ lib/Attribute/Method.pm
+ t/05method.t
  Attribute::Method added

1.02 2007/04/06 12:10:14
! t/04sighandler.t
  Resolved RT #15527 (alarm unsupported on Win32)
1.01  2006/05/02 15:33:22
! lib/Attribute/*.pm
  Oops.  MARCEL, not MERCEL.

1.00  2006/05/02 14:52:40
* *
  Refactored by dankogai
0.02  Wed May 30 22:37:56 2001
	- added documentation, tests

0.01  Wed May 30 16:23:09 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-XAn Attribute::Util