2012-04-06 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.7:
* Makefile.PL
- remove auto_include(_deps)
2012-04-05 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.6:
* Makefile.PL
- use auto_include_deps instead of auto_include
2012-04-04 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.5:
* Makefile.PL, lib/Atompub/Client.pm, lib/Atompub/Server.pm
- use Digest::SHA instead of Digest::SHA1. thanks Salvatore
2010-10-12 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.4:
* lib/Atompub/Server.pm
- fix a typo. thanks Naveed.
2010-05-17 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.3:
* lib/Atompub/Client.pm
- modify argument handling in the constructor. thanks Yury.
- fix a bug on Slug encoding scheme. thanks Lars.
* t/perlcritic.t
- check $ENV{TEST_CRITIC} whether to execute this test. thanks
2008-10-19 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.2:
* t/02.datetime.t
- skip this test if the environmental variable
2008-05-22 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.1:
* Makefile.PL
- use Module::Install
* lib/Atompub/Client.pm
- fix slug encoding scheme.
Thanks to Vincent
2008-03-13 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.3.0:
* lib/Atompub/Client.pm
- use Class::Accessor::Fast instead of Class::Accessor::Lvalue::Fast,
since lvalue module doesn't work with the debugger.
Thanks to Loach
* all perl codes
- change coding conventions
2008-01-13 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.2.4:
* lib/Atompub/Server.pm
- fix POD. Thanks to Thorsten
* lib/Atompub/DateTime.pm, t/02.datetime.t
- catch exceptions in creating timezone object
* t/10.client.t
- skip tests unless $ATOMPUB_TEST_LIVE is not defined
2007-11-17 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.2.3:
* Atompub.pm
- use 5.006
* 10.client.t
- use HTTP proxy if $HTTP_PROXY/$http_proxy is defined
2007-10-07 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.2.2:
* Build.PL
- add Module::Build::Compat to requires
2007-10-06 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.2.1:
* Build.PL
- add Time::Local to requires
2007-10-01 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.2.0:
* Atompub/Client.pm
- change hash to hash reference in some internal interfaces
* t/02.datetime.t
- fix timezone bugs
2007-09-29 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.9:
* Atompub/DateTime.pm
- replace Atompub::Datetime::TimeZone by DateTime::TimeZone
- use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF and Class::Data::Inheritable
2007-09-28 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.8:
* Atompub/DateTime.pm
- add init
2007-09-27 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.7:
* Atompub/Client.pm
- fix POD coverage bugs
2007-09-27 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.6:
* Atompub/Util.pm
- fix a bug in is_allowed_category, which reproduced if no
2007-09-17 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.5:
* Build.PL
- fix dependency
2007-09-17 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.4:
* Build.PL
- add Class::Accessor::Lvalue::Fast to requires
2007-09-16 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.3:
* Makefile.PL
- build_class => Module::Build
2007-09-14 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.2:
* Atompub/Client.pm
- don't use If-Match and/or If-Unmodified-Since headers on DELETE
2007-09-12 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.1:
* Atompub/DateTime.pm
- rewrite POD
2007-09-10 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.0:
* Atompub.pm
- add some methods to HTTP::Headers, HTTP::Request, and HTTP::Response
* Atompub/Client.pm
- merge operations for entry and media resources internally
- support cache mechanizem using Last-Modified header
- refactoring drastically
* Atompub/DateTime.pm, Atompub/MediaType.pm, Atompub/Util.pm
- newly added
2007-08-13 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.2:
* Build.PL
- add Test::Perl::Critic to requires
2007-08-12 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.1: created by Module::Starter