Revision history for Archive-TAP-Convert

0.007     2014-11-25 21:27:32+01:00 Europe/Zurich

0.007     2014-11-25 18:20:57+01:00 Europe/Zurich (TRIAL RELEASE)
          - accepts formatter object as an option (thx to maspalio)
          - corrected head title in Changes file
          - updated dist.ini to dzil v5 (encoding plugin)

0.006     2013-10-15 11:34:06 Europe/Zurich
          - added keyword "perl programming language" to the docs

0.005     2013-09-27 11:09:15 Europe/Zurich
          - renamed to Archive::TAP::Convert from Convert::TAP::Archive

0.004     2013-08-02 11:25:55 Europe/Berlin
          - added option to pack JS and CSS inside HTML head
          - BREAK BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY: added named paramters

0.003     2013-07-09 09:29:55 Europe/Berlin
          - added test-prereq, thx CpanReporters, once again!

0.002     2013-07-08 12:31:33 Europe/Berlin
          - fix bug which printed archive to stdout
          - added basic tests
          - updated documentation

0.001     2013-07-05 16:43:21 Europe/Berlin
          - initial release