Revision history for App-FileCleanerByDiskUage

0.4.0   2024-10-25/10:30
        - Remove unneeded info from %file_info to reduce memory usage.

0.3.0   2023-11-11/15:00
        - Add PID file to prevent multiple instances from starting up if calling via cron.
		- convert to use Pod::Usage
		- remove -v and -h short options for --version and and --help
		- add writing results to a file using the -w flag using File::Slurp write_file in atomic mode
		- add -q for quiet

0.2.1   2023-09-01/14:30
        - Fix handling of extra / on the end of the path.

0.2.0   2023-09-01/14:00
        - Don't die on missing directories, but return them under .missing_paths.

0.1.0   2023-07-31/13:45
        - Enable -p to be used more than once.

0.0.1   2023-07-27/16:00
        - Initial release.