Revision history for App-Dapper

0.21    2025-01-22
        Added CGI to list of module dependencies.

0.20    2025-01-21
        Removed dependency on YAML::Tiny from test framework

0.19    2025-01-20
        Changed to Net::HTTPServer for local webserver use. This is a much
        better forking webserver to use than HTML::Brick and better supported.

        Enabled EVAL_PERL for embedding perl code in templates. Set EVAL_PERL
        to "true" to use (e.g. export EVAL_PERL=true). Then use [% perl %] blocks
        in templates to use embedded perl in your templates. See README for more.

        Changed timestamp format to use the ISO 8601 style date/time format.
        In previous versions of Dapper, the date format for posts that was accepted
        was (\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d).

        Updated YAML processor from YAML::Tiny to YAML::PP. Now, Dapper supports
        YAML 1.2. See the documentation for the YAML spec and/or the YAML::PP
        documentation for more information on exactly what features are supported.

0.18    2014-05-02
        Adopted the TT3 mini-language as provided by Template::Alloy
        Added urlpattern and extension variables to site and page definitions
        Added consistent handling of urlpattern, and output file extensions

0.17    2014-04-15
        Clarified JSON Perl module dependency in Makefile.PL

0.16    2014-04-15
        Added README content for config files, source files, and layouts.
        Added 'json' filter for dumping Liquid variables to JSON for debug.

0.15    2014-04-07
        Added command-line option to specify web server port number.
        Dapper now works with Perl installations as old as v5.8.

0.14    2014-04-02
        Added deploy instructions to README and a getting started guide.
        Changed MIN_PERL_VERSION from v-string to string to eliminate NetBSD errors.

0.13    2014-04-27
        Added explicit hash derefs in attempt to support Perl 5.19.{8-10}.

0.12    2014-04-26
        Added explicit hash deref to avoid experimental warning in Perl 5.19.

0.11    2014-04-26
        Added auto-reload of files while serving local webserver.
        Changed format of post IDs from their URL to a global incrementing integer.

0.10    2014-03-05
        Improved README narrative.
        Watch routine now watches everything except contents of the _output dir.

0.09    2014-02-20
        Added 5.14.0 minimum perl version requirement.

0.08    2014-02-20
        Eliminated some tests (init, build) that were causing CI failures.

0.07    2014-02-20
        Added Getopt::Mixed to list of build options.

0.06    2014-02-20
        Addded DateTime::Format::XSD dependency to resolve test errors.

0.05    2014-02-19
        Updated Makefile.PL dependencies to resolve errors for

0.04    2014-02-18
        Removed unicode characters from App::Dapper pod.
        Added references to source and issue tracking on github.

0.03    2014-02-18
        Added significant documentation to App::Dapper and bin/dapper.
        Simplified default _config.yml file.

0.02    2014-02-17
        Added documentation link from App::Dapper to bin/dapper.
        Fixed FreeBSD testing error as reported by

0.01    2014-02-01
        First version.