Revision history for Perl distribution App-ArduinoBuilder
0.08 - 2024-07-21
- Implement a workaround to convert command lines to using Windows escaping
when needed.
- Improve the logging. Convert it to using Log::Log4perl through Log::Any.
- Replace the custom CommandRunner with Parallel::TaskExecutor (the same code
forked to a new separate distribution).
- Fix a bug with an inverted logic when recursing in the src directories.
- Use IPC::Run for the JsonTool module.
- Reduce the default verbosity of the output by not logging entire command
lines on failures.
- Add a way to force a port for the system, even if the discovery fails.
- Improve the discovery and the matching of the upload and monitor ports.
0.07 - 2023-06-05
- Implement a "monitor" tool to talk to the board being programmed.
- Improve the matchin of the --port option.
- Refactor the command runner.
0.06 - 2023-05-02
- Add support to upload the firmware to the board.
- Make the command line more powerful (allow to execute more than one command).
- Display the binary and data size of the compiled program.
- Use the builtin tools of the Arduino GUI when we can find them.
0.05 - 2023-04-30
- Bump required Perl to 5.26 for conveniance (indented here-docs).
- The configuration can be overriden on the command line.
- Parallelize the compilation
- Many bug fixes.
- Support more commands (in particular a "clean" command).
- Add a mechanism to extend existing configuration option.
0.04 - 2023-04-25
- Fix a compilation bug where some library objects were missing from the build.
0.03 - 2023-04-25
- Fix a bug when handling paths with space in them.
0.02 - 2023-04-25
- Find and use the Arduino configuration under Linux.
- Add some initial documentation.
- Initial release