0.11 2022-09-13
* Fix prerequisites
We need Future::HTTP, not LWP::UserAgent now ...
0.10 2022-09-12
* Introduce $ENV{PERL_APACHE_TIKA_PATH} for finding the Tika jar file
0.09 2022-09-04
* Switch from Promises to Future
* Most likely only support Tika 2.x due to changed handling of
command line parameters
0.08 2019-06-10
* Always set a content type of application/octet-stream.
This makes the LWP transport actually work
* Launch the Tika subprocess properly instead of using
open( '...|' )
0.07 2017-05-13
. Fix synopsis section
+ Handle problematic/large PDFs better
+ Keep persistent HTTP connections to Apache Tika
+ Improve the error message for problematic files
! "synchronous" is now "await"
0.06 2016-03-29
. Fix versionless release
0.05 2016-03-29
. Spun off from Dancer::SearchApp