$Author: mil $ $Rev: 335 $
$Date: 2011-06-08 20:47:46 +0200 (Wed, 08 Jun 2011) $
Revision history for Perl extension Apache::Gallery.
1.0.2 Wed Jun 8 20:47:16 CEST 2011
- Extended GalleryUnderscoresToSpaces to filenames as well.
(Debian bug #348724, Francesco Potortì)
- Added txt to GalleryDocFile, the code in Gallery.pm already
allowed it. (Luca Capello)
- Added text-html.png and text-txt.png icons.
(Debian bug #423004, Luca Capello)
- Fixed counter typo for <directory>.folder in next directory
menu item. (Luca Capello)
- Added support to ignore items through <directory|file>.ignore.
(Debian bug #619625, Luca Capello)
- Fixed spelling typos in Gallery.pm and README. (Luca Capello)
- GalleryCacheDir defaults to /var/cache/www/ per the FHS-2.3.
(Debian bug #337197, Luca Capello)
- Fixed two minor POD errors (Michael Legart)
1.0.1 Wed Feb 23 20:45:38 CET 2011
- Added missing template files to MANIFEST
1.0 Tue Feb 22 21:54:31 CET 2011
- Handle files that match both GalleryDocFile and GalleryImgFile
correctly. (Claus Faerber)
- Only respond to HEAD and GET requests, enabling users to use
WebDAV for upload (Andreas Plesner)
- Added new option GalleryCommentExifKey to get comments from
EXIF data (Michael Legart)
- Added new option GalleryEnableMediaRss to enable generation of
a media RSS feed for each directory listing. This works with
e.g. the plugin from http://piclens.com to enable 3D viewing
of your gallery. (Michael Legart)
- Make browser-caching work with mod_perl 2. Supports If-None-Match
and If-Modified-Since headers. Sets Last-Modified-Date and
ETag headers. (Michael Legart)
1.0RC3 Fri Sep 16 10:27:48 CEST 2005
- Add watermark even when picture doesn't need to be rescaled
(Andreas Plesner)
- Fix logging to work in Apache 1.3 (Andreas Plesner)
- Bugfix: If only one GallerySize was specified, the image's
max width was autmatically added to GallerySizes
(Andreas Plesner)
- Bugfix: Locate thm files if they are called .thm or .THM
(Michael Legart)
1.0RC2 Wed Jun 1 09:11:50 CEST 2005
- Added access keys for navigation (Michael Knudsen)
1.0RC1 Tue May 24 13:31:50 CEST 2005
- Added submit button to form in selection mode (Vlad Marchenko)
- Added new option GalleryRootPath for use when the gallery
is not running from the root of the virtual host (Lubomir Host)
- Report proper errors when there are problems with templates (Don Armstrong)
- Support newest mod_perl2 version (Philip Paeps)
0.9.1 Sat Sep 11 23:52:16 CEST 2004
- Fix mod_perl 1 support that was broken with 0.9 (Michael Legart)
0.9 Sat Sep 11 22:03:20 CEST 2004
- Handle .thm for all filetypes and not just tiff, gif and png
(Michael Legart)
- Make GallerySortBy work for directories (Michael Legart)
- Make GalleryDirSortBy override GallerySortBy for directories
(Andreas Plesner)
- Report 404 for HEAD requests to non-existing files or directories
(Michael Legart)
- Scale images when they are requested from the cache instead of
before the index is displayed. (Michael Legart)
- Sort pictures the same way when viewing images as when viewing
directories (Andreas Plesner)
- Make the "back" link on the error page work in IE (Michael Legart)
- Fixed the TITLE tag for folder comments (Ondra Kudlik)
- New option GalleryUnderscoresToSpaces to convert underscores to
spaces in the listing of directories. (Ondra Kudlik)
- Bugfix for when running outside a virtual host (Jeffrey Hartmann)
- Support Apache2 on FreeBSD (Jesper Dalberg)
- Avoid false 404 errors when running under mod_perl 2 (Tom Brown)
0.8 Sun Mar 7 11:22:00 CET 2004
- Remember choosen width by setting a cookie (Rene Joergensen)
- Fixed a bug where $EXIFVALUES was left blank if a picture
had a comment. (Michael Legart)
- Fixed a bug where one line comments was showed as $COMMENT
(Jesper Skriver)
- Fixed a bug where comments did not get shown when using
the variables exif mode (Thomas L. Kjeldsen)
- Added two new configuration options GalleryDocFile and
GalleryImgFile that makes it possible to configured which
filetypes should be displayed. See the documentation for
details. (Guillaume Rousse)
- Added new option GalleryThumbnailSizeLS. If set to 1,
GalleryThumbnailSize is the long and the short side
of the thumbnail image instead of the width and height.
(Don Armstrong)
- Switched to use Text::Template instead of CGI::FastTemplate,
see the UPGRADE file for details. (Don Armstrong)
- Create copyright notices on pictures using truetype fonts
instead of png images. Font, color and size can be configured
(Thomas Petersen, Michael Legart)
0.7 Mon Sep 8 22:30:35 CEST 2003
- Support mod_perl version 1 and 2 (1.99) (Michael Legart)
- Send status code 500 on errors, 404 on file not found and
make IE show our own errorpage. (Thomas L. Kjeldsen)
- Bugfix for directories named "0" (Andreas Plesner Jacobsen)
- Added "selection mode". Select images with checkboxes and
get a list of filenames. (Peter Andreasen)
- Fix to let the module work with perl 5.005 (Aaron)
- Do not allow scaling pictures to sizes above their
original size (Aaron)
- Added GalleryUseFileDate option to make A::G show
the files timestamps instead of using the EXIF value (Dennis Haney)
- Remember display size when turning Slideshow off (Hans Joergensen)
- Nice new layout (Thomas Kjaer)
- New option GalleryEXIFMode to control the way EXIF
info is displayed. See docs for details (Michael Legart)
- Support for the FNumber EXIF value (Thomas Corell)
- Added GalleryRootText option to allow changing the name of
the root element in the menu (Christopher Knight)
- Use Image::Imlib2 instead of Inline::C (Andreas Plesner Jacobsen)
- New option GalleryMaxThumbnailsPerPage to limit the number
of thumbnails displayed per page. Disabled by default
and requires templates update. (Michael Legart)
- Bugfix for the GalleryThumbnailSize option. Both height and
width max sizes are now obeyed. (David Gee)
0.6 Tue Apr 22 10:24:40 CEST 2003
- Apache now internally handles image dispatch which enables
use of all Apache caching possibilities (Thomas Eibner)
- Documentation and better implementation of the .folder
feature. (Jesper Skriver)
- Support the EXIF Orientation key for automatic rotate,
if your camera supports that - like Canon G3. You can
disable this by setting GalleryAutoRotate to 0 (Me)
- Works with Inline > 0.42 (Andreas Plesner)
- Show nice icons and allow downloads for doc,mp3,ogg,rtf,wav
and wmv in addition to the current movie types (Me)
- Now displays nice values for Aperture,FocalLength,ShutterSpeed
exif values (Thomas Eibner)
- Directory comments added (Hans Joergensen)
- New GallerySortBy option to allow sort by time, size etc (Iain Wade)
- Set width/height on thumbnail images for better performance (Iain Wade)
0.5.1 Sat Nov 9 11:49:29 CET 2002
- InlineDir is no longer configurable using PerlSetVar, which
fixes make test. (Me)
- Added test-suite (Me, Andreas Plesner Jacobsen)
- Write to the error log if unable to open files in the cache (Me)
- cache_dir changed to use File::Spec to make Apache::Gallery
more portable. It may even run under Windows now? (Andreas Plesner Jacobsen)
0.5 Sun Sep 15 11:55:56 CEST 2002
- Added slideshow feature (Me)
- Code cleanup (Me)
- Moved the cache to one single directory outside the webscope (Rene Joergensen)
- Allow user to customize the "No info found" message (Me)
0.4.1 Sun Aug 11 17:48:09 CEST 2002
- URI Escape image URL in the size selection URLs. (Me)
- Fixed bug where .cache directory was not created when requesting images directly (Me)
- Don't allow scaling images more than their original size (Jan Chrillesen)
- Handle already rotated images correct (Jan Chrillesen, Me)
- Fix bug when rotating pictures and a .thm file was present (Thomas Eibner)
- Apache::Gallery now allows for regular files to be served correctly (Thomas Eibner)
- Support for detailed flash information from Image::Info 1.11 (Me, Allan Joergensen)
- Moved Apache::Gallery into subversion revision control instead of CVS (Me)
0.4 Sun Jun 2 13:11:09 CEST 2002
- Round height and width to integers when scaling to avoid
widths like 640x479.393939393939 (Me)
- Regenerate scaled pictures and thumbnails if the original
image has changed, the image.rotate file has been added or
changed or if the copyright image was added og changed. (Me)
- Don't show files starting with "." in the thumbnail index (Yann Kerhervé)
- Made thumbnailsizes configurable with the GalleryThumbnailSize
option. (Me)
- Print "Unknown" instead of $INFO in the imageinfo field if
unable to find any EXIF information. (Me)
- Added perldoc documentation of the module and a installationguide. (Me)
- Always list directories before images (Me)
- Allow textfiles (ie, robots.txt) (Me)
- Fixed a bug where $FILES was printed instead of "Empty directory"
if directory contained unsupported files (.txt, .htaccess etc) (Me)
- New templates where folders doesn't get displayed one on each line (Thomas Kjaer)
- Works without a VirtualHost now (Does not use DocumentRoot) (Peter Breton)
- New option GalleryWrapNavigation to enable a new feature in the
pictureview where "Next" at the end displays the first picture etc
(Peter Breton/Me)
- New option AllowOriginal for the user to be able to download the
original picture, not enabled by default (Thomas Eibner)
- TIFF and PPM support (Thomas Eibner)
- Initial movie support - download movie clips (Rene Joergensen)
0.3.1 Thu Jan 10 15:47:39 CET 2002
- Fixed a huge memoryleak.
0.3 Wed Jan 2 00:25:21 CET 2002
- Made Inline dir configurable. (Tim Coleman)
- Made it configurable which information about the image
should be viewed. (Thomas Eibner)
- Added GallerySizes option. You can now choose which
resolutions the user can scale between. The Gallery
will not allow scaling to 641x480 if you only configured
640x480. (To prevent evil people filling up your disk) (Me)
- Handle spaces in files and directories correct.
- Now possible to rotate pictures on the fly. (Thomas Eibner)
- Copyright picture can be included on each picture (Thomas Eibner)
- Comments for each picture changed to be in
picture.jpg.comments (Thomas Eibner)
- Scale thumbnails correct when images are rotated 90-degrees. (Me)
0.2 Sun Oct 14 19:57:06 2001
- addcomments.pl renamed to gallery-editcomments.pl
- Added "viewing picture X of Y" when viewing images
- Switched to using Imlib2 instead of GD. Apache::Gallery
now supports all the image formats Imlib2 supports.
- Added gallery-buildcache.pl script to generated thumbnails
(Usefull if your browser times out the first time you
visit a new gallery)
0.1.1 Sat Sep 30 01:10:03 2001
- Added src/addcomments.pl script for editing picture
- Templates have been updated by Erwin Lansing and
Thomas Kjaer and are now much nicer by default!
0.1 Mon Aug 20 19:38:31 2001
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-XA -n Apache::Gallery