Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm::RandomMatrixGeneration.
0.06 Thu Mar 27, 2008
- Modified Makefile.PL to require Math::BigFloat 1.58
0.05 Tue Mar 25, 2008
- relaxed Perl version requirement to 5.6
- Modified Makefile.PL to better support META.yml
0.04 Wed May 17, 2006
- Modified the requirement of Perl 5.8.5 to 5.8
- Corrected the t/*.t files
0.03 Mon May 15, 2006
- Handles the case of negative marginals - if a marginal of the
given matrix is negative then generates appropriate positive and
negative cell values such that the marginal of the resultant
row/column is the required negative value.
0.02 Mon Apr 24, 2006
- Generates real valued matrix only if either of the input
marginals is real valued else generates integer valued matrix.
- Stores the matrix in sparse format. That is, not every value
of the returned array is defined but only non-zero values are
stored in the matrix.
0.01 Sat Mar 18 20:06:48 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AXc -n Algorithm::RandomMatrixGeneration