Changes -- list of user visible changes			-*- outline -*-

* Acme::Filter::Kenny 1.01 -- 2004-05-14

** Added a heuristic :iq_kenny mode

When used with the `:iq_kenny' tag (like "use Acme::Filter::Kenny
qw/:iq_kenny/;"), the module tries to only dekennyfy those lines that
actually look like kenny-speak, and leave the rest unchanged.

** Added a script to kennyfy Perl code

There is a new script, bin/kennyfy (written in Kenny-speak, no
less!), that can be used to translate Perl code to Kenny-speak.

* Acme::Filter::Kenny 1.00 -- 2004-05-13

Initial release.

# arch-tag: dd95791e-a717-4e39-afd2-992e9c648df6