The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

All Releases by perlancar

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Business-ID-Kemenkes-RDA-0.001 Indonesian RDA (AKG, Angka Kecukupan Gizi) 02 Jul 2024 03:05:09 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 4 total dependents App-wordlist-0.293 Grep words from (or test them against) WordList::* 01 Jul 2024 00:05:27 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-ColorTheme-0.004 Sah schemas related to ColorTheme 30 Jun 2024 00:05:31 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents App-UniqFiles-0.142 Report duplicate or unique files, optionally perform action on them 29 Jun 2024 00:05:45 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents App-td-0.112 Manipulate table data 28 Jun 2024 00:06:19 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-orgsel-0.015 Select Org document elements using CSel (CSS-selector-like) syntax 27 Jun 2024 00:05:58 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-IODUtils-0.164 IOD utilities 26 Jun 2024 00:06:20 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents App-INIUtils-0.035 INI utilities 25 Jun 2024 02:29:19 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Acme-CPANModules-OneLinerTools-0.005 List of modules to make your life easier when writing perl one-liners 24 Jun 2024 00:05:24 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-ColorScheme-0.003 Sah schemas related to color schemes 23 Jun 2024 15:45:50 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-BPOMUtils-NutritionFacts-0.027 Utilities related to BPOM nutrition facts 23 Jun 2024 15:45:39 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 6 total dependents File-Slurper-Temp-0.010 File::Slurper + File::Temp 21 Jun 2024 00:06:19 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 6 total dependents File-Slurper-Temp-0.009 File::Slurper + File::Temp 20 Jun 2024 00:05:56 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-BPOMUtils-NutritionFacts-0.026 Utilities related to BPOM nutrition facts 19 Jun 2024 00:05:16 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-BPOMUtils-NutritionLabelRef-0.004 Get one or more values from BPOM nutrition label reference (ALG, acuan label gizi) 18 Jun 2024 00:05:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-KemenkesUtils-RDA-0.002 Get one or more values from Indonesian Ministry of Health's RDA (AKG, angka kecukupan gizi, from Kemenkes) 17 Jun 2024 00:05:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Collection-0.009 Various Sah collection (array/hash) schemas 16 Jun 2024 00:05:16 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-CPAN-0.016 Sah schemas related to CPAN 15 Jun 2024 00:07:21 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Business-ID-BPOM-NutritionLabelRef-0.005 BPOM's nutrition label reference (ALG, acuan label gizi) 14 Jun 2024 00:27:12 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Text-Table-HTML-0.011 Generate HTML table 13 Jun 2024 01:45:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Business-ID-BPOM-NutritionLabelRef-0.004 Nutrients 13 Jun 2024 01:33:48 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Acme-CPANAuthorsBundle-CPAN-Streaks-20240612.0 A collection of Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::* modules 12 Jun 2024 00:29:19 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent TableData-Perl-CPAN-Release-Static-2024-20240612.0 CPAN releases for the year 2024 12 Jun 2024 00:11:03 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Color-0.015 Sah schemas related to color codes/names 12 Jun 2024 00:06:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Chrome-0.004 Various Sah schemas related to Google Chrome 12 Jun 2024 00:06:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-KemenkesUtils-RDA-0.001 Get one or more values from Indonesian Ministry of Health's RDA (AKG, angka kecukupan gizi, from Kemenkes) 12 Jun 2024 00:06:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Health-Nutrient-0.004 Nutrients 11 Jun 2024 00:06:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Code-0.004 Various schemas related to 'code' type and coderefs 10 Jun 2024 04:51:45 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-BPOMUtils-NutritionLabelRef-0.003 Get one or more values from BPOM nutrition label reference (ALG, acuan label gizi) 10 Jun 2024 00:05:42 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-PSchemaBundle-Re-0.003 Various regular-expression (parameterized) schemas 09 Jun 2024 00:05:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-PSchemaBundle-Perl-0.011 Parameterized schemas related to Perl 08 Jun 2024 00:06:02 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-PSchemaBundle-Array-0.010 Parameterized schemas related to array type 07 Jun 2024 00:06:17 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-PSchemaBundle-0.1.1 Convention for Sah-PSchemaBundle-* distribution 06 Jun 2024 00:06:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-BPOMUtils-NutritionLabelRef-0.002 Get one or more values from BPOM nutrition label reference (ALG, acuan label gizi) 06 Jun 2024 00:05:54 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Health-Nutrient-0.003 Nutrients 05 Jun 2024 00:06:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Business-ID-BPOM-NutritionLabelRef-0.003 Nutrients 05 Jun 2024 00:06:25 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Nutrient-0.002 Sah schemas related to nutrients 05 Jun 2024 00:06:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-BPOMUtils-NutritionLabelRef-0.001 Get one or more values from BPOM nutrition label reference (ALG, acuan label gizi) 05 Jun 2024 00:06:03 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Nutrient-0.001 Sah schemas related to nutrients 04 Jun 2024 02:10:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Complete-Nutrient-0.002 Completion routines related to nutrients 04 Jun 2024 02:10:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Graphics-ColorNamesCMYK-All-0.001 CMYK colors from all Graphics::ColorNamesCMYK::* 03 Jun 2024 00:06:12 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-CommonSuffixUtils-0.001 Utilities related to common suffix 02 Jun 2024 00:06:21 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Acme-CPANAuthorsBundle-CPAN-Streaks-20240601.0 A collection of Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::* modules 01 Jun 2024 09:12:24 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent TableData-Perl-CPAN-Release-Static-2024-20240601.0 CPAN releases for the year 2024 01 Jun 2024 01:42:50 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Business-ID-BPOM-NutritionLabelRef-0.002 Nutrients 01 Jun 2024 00:06:19 UTC
River stage one • 6 direct dependents • 7 total dependents String-CommonPrefix-0.020 Find prefix common to all strings 01 Jun 2024 00:06:08 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-CommonPrefixUtils-0.001 Utilities related to common prefix 01 Jun 2024 00:05:57 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Complete-Nutrient-0.001 Completion routines related to nutrients 31 May 2024 00:05:25 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SortKey-Num-similarity_jaccard-0.001 Jaccard coefficient of a string to a reference string, as sort key 30 May 2024 00:05:29 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-sort_by_sortkey-0.002 Sort lines of text by a SortKey module 30 May 2024 00:05:18 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableDataRole-Source-SQLite-0.001 Role to access table data from SQLite database table/query 29 May 2024 00:05:31 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableDataRole-Source-DBI-0.026 Role to access table data from DBI 28 May 2024 00:05:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Business-ID-BPOM-NutritionLabelRef-0.001 Nutrients 27 May 2024 00:05:19 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Health-Nutrient-0.002 Nutrients 26 May 2024 00:06:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-NutrientUtils-0.001 Utilities related to nutrients 26 May 2024 00:06:02 UTC
River stage zero No dependents TableData-Health-Nutrient-0.001 Nutrients 25 May 2024 00:05:57 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HashData-ColorCode-CMYK-ToutesLesCouleursCom-0.002 CMYK color names (from ToutesLesCouleursCom) 24 May 2024 00:06:00 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HashData-ColorCode-CMYK-Pantone-0.002 Mapping of Pantone color names to CMYK values 23 May 2024 00:05:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HashData-ColorCode-CMYK-JohnDecemberCom-0.002 CMYK color names (from 22 May 2024 00:06:06 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Log-ger-0.020 Scenarios for benchmarking Log::ger 21 May 2024 00:05:46 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Log-Any-0.101 Scenarios for benchmarking Log::Any 20 May 2024 00:06:19 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Graphics-ColorNamesCMYK-JohnDecemberCom-0.001 CMYK color names from 19 May 2024 00:05:21 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HashData-Color-CMYK-JohnDecemberCom-0.001 CMYK color names (from 18 May 2024 00:05:57 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Perl-Examples-Accessors-0.133 A collection of example classes using various accessor generators 17 May 2024 00:05:20 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Graphics-ColorNamesCMYK-BannersCom-0.001 Basic CMYK colors from 17 May 2024 00:05:09 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents HashDataRoles-Standard-0.004 Standard set of roles for HashData 16 May 2024 00:06:35 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Graphics-ColorNamesCMYK-ToutesLesCouleursCom-0.001 CMYK colors from (red) 16 May 2024 00:06:24 UTC
River stage two • 8 direct dependents • 11 total dependents ArrayDataRoles-Standard-0.010 Standard set of roles for ArrayData 16 May 2024 00:06:13 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-BPOMUtils-Table-FoodCategory-0.021 List food categories in BPOM processed food division (old, pre-RBA version) 15 May 2024 06:17:57 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SortKey-date_in_text-0.002 Date found in text as sort key 15 May 2024 03:31:25 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SortKey-Num-similarity-0.002 Similarity to a reference string as sort key 15 May 2024 02:02:22 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SortKey-Num-pattern_count-0.002 Number of occurrences of string/regexp pattern as sort key 15 May 2024 01:59:31 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SortKey-Num-length-0.003 String length as sort key 15 May 2024 01:56:35 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SortKey-0.2.1 Reusable sort key generators 15 May 2024 01:27:59 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SortKey-0.2.0 Reusable sort key generators 15 May 2024 01:27:48 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HashData-Color-CMYK-ToutesLesCouleursCom-0.001 CMYK color names (from ToutesLesCouleursCom) 15 May 2024 00:06:01 UTC
River stage two • 44 direct dependents • 78 total dependents Perinci-Sub-Gen-AccessTable-0.594 Generate function (and its metadata) to read table data 14 May 2024 02:57:07 UTC
River stage three • 40 direct dependents • 489 total dependents Module-Load-Util-0.012 Some utility routines related to module loading 14 May 2024 02:56:56 UTC
River stage two • 25 direct dependents • 35 total dependents TableDataRoles-Standard-0.025 Standard set of roles for TableData 14 May 2024 02:55:28 UTC
River stage two • 25 direct dependents • 35 total dependents TableDataRoles-Standard-0.024 Standard set of roles for TableData 14 May 2024 02:55:17 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Graphics-ColorNamesCMYK-Pantone-0.001 Pantone colors 14 May 2024 00:05:54 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Accessors-0.151 Scenarios to benchmark class accessors 13 May 2024 00:05:21 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent TableData-Perl-CPAN-Release-Static-2024-20240506.0 CPAN releases for the year 2024 12 May 2024 00:05:24 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Graphics-ColorNames-0.001 Scenarios to benchmark Graphics::ColorNames and related modules 12 May 2024 00:05:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Algorithm-Diff-0.003 Scenarios to benchmark Algorithm::Diff 11 May 2024 00:06:17 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Acme-CPANModules-JSONVariants-0.002 List of JSON variants/extensions 10 May 2024 00:18:31 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Graphics-ColorNamesCMYK-0.002 Define CMYK values for common color names 10 May 2024 00:05:23 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Graphics-ColorNamesCMYK-0.001 Define CMYK values for common color names 10 May 2024 00:05:12 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Graphics-ColorNamesLite-0.002 Define RGB values for common color names (lite version) 09 May 2024 00:05:50 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Graphics-ColorNamesLite-0.001 Define RGB values for common color names (lite version) 09 May 2024 00:05:39 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HashData-Color-PantoneToCMYK-0.001 Mapping of Pantone color names to CMYK values 08 May 2024 00:05:41 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Sorter-0.001 Plugin to use when building Sorter::* distribution 07 May 2024 00:05:19 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Acme-CPANAuthorsBundle-CPAN-Streaks-20240506.0 A collection of Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::* modules 06 May 2024 02:34:43 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 3 total dependents QRCode-Any-0.001 Common interface to QRCode functions 06 May 2024 00:06:19 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Business-ID-SIM-0.002 Sah schemas related to Indonesian driving license number (nomor SIM) 05 May 2024 00:06:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Business-ID-NPWP-0.002 Sah schemas related to Indonesian taxpayer registration number (NPWP) 04 May 2024 00:05:59 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Business-ID-NOPPBB-0.002 Sah schemas related to Indonesian property tax numbers (NOP PBB) 03 May 2024 00:05:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Business-ID-NKK-0.003 Sah schemas related to Indonesian family card number (NKK) 02 May 2024 00:05:52 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Business-ID-NIK-0.005 Sah schemas related to Indonesian citizenship registration numbers (NIK) 01 May 2024 00:05:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Business-ID-Mandiri-0.002 Sah schemas related to Mandiri bank 30 Apr 2024 00:05:43 UTC
13,687 results