All Releases by Debashish Parasar

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Net-IP-Util-1.03 Common useful routines like converting decimal address to binary and vice versa, determining address class, determining default mask, subnets and hosts and broadcast addresses for hosts in subnet. 04 May 2013 09:00:04 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-IP-Util-1.02 Common useful routines like converting decimal address to binary and vice versa, determining address class, determining default mask, subnets and hosts and broadcast addresses for hosts in subnet. 01 May 2013 05:49:30 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-IP-Util-1.01 Common useful routines like converting decimal address to binary and vice versa, determining address class, determining default mask, subnets and hosts and broadcast addresses for hosts in subnet. 30 Apr 2013 13:15:15 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Debug-Runopt-1.01 Customize how to run debugger Specify configurable debug options as part of rc file ie .perldb or ~/.perldb under Unix. Specify runtime debug commands into a file and source to debugger - works for interactive/non interactive both modes 29 Apr 2013 16:34:15 UTC
No river data available Net-IpUtilsBasic-0.01 Common useful routines like converting decimal address to binary and vice versa, determining address class, determining default mask, subnets and hosts and broadcast addresses for hosts in subnet. 27 Apr 2013 18:28:46 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Debug-Easy-0.01 Customize how to run debugger Specify configurable debug options as part of rc file ie .perldb or ~/.perldb under Unix. Specify runtime debug commands into a file and source to debugger - works for interactive/non interactive both modes 18 Apr 2013 19:13:47 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Hash-CoerceToArray-0.02 Find the depth of any multi-hierarchical HASH REFERENCE structure - Go to any level of the HASH REFERENCE randomly and convert the value against a key to an ARRAY REFERENCE if it is HASH REFERENCE 06 Apr 2013 08:12:42 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Hash-CoerceToArray-0.01 Find the depth of any multi-hierarchical HASH REFERENCE structure - Go to any level of the HASH REFERENCE randomly and convert the value against a key to an ARRAY REFERENCE if it is HASH REFERENCE 24 Mar 2013 05:08:29 UTC